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China is promoting a new industrial revolution in the steel industry

editor:admin │ Release time:2018-08-14 

At present, the world economy is still in a period of deep adjustment, and the global mining industry continues its sluggish trend. The decline in mineral products trade and mining investment is obvious. On September 8th, at the 14th China International Conference on Coking Technology and Coke Market, I heard from some scientific and technological personnel in China's steel industry that because of many complicated regulations, they could not stay in the laboratory for a long time, but used it to 'Internal diplomacy'. Filling out various forms every year will waste a lot of energy. I listened to some scientific and technical personnel who reported that because of many complicated regulations, they spent a lot of time in the lab, but used to engage in 'internal diplomacy'. Filling out various forms every year will waste a lot of energy. I listened to some scientific and technical personnel who reported that because of many complicated regulations, they spent a lot of time in the lab, but used to engage in 'internal diplomacy'. Filling out various forms every year will waste a lot of energy. I listened to some scientific and technical personnel who reported that because of many complicated regulations, they spent a lot of time in the lab, but used to engage in 'internal diplomacy'. Filling out various forms every year will waste a lot of energy. I listened to some scientific and technical personnel who reported that because of many complicated regulations, they spent a lot of time in the lab, but used to engage in 'internal diplomacy'. Filling out various forms every year wastes a lot of energy.

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